
师 资
格泽高滋·W. 科勒德克Grzegorz W. Kolodko

格泽高滋·W·科勒德克,波兰前副总理。科勒德克教授是著名的经济学家和世界转型与发展政策专家,是波兰改革的关键设计师。曾在2002-2003年担任波兰共和国第一副总理兼财政部长,期间在波兰加入欧盟过程中发挥了主要作用,在1994-1997年担任相同职务期间,帮助波兰加入经济合作与发展组织,在负责波兰经济政策期间,波兰人均GDP 增长超过三分之一。曾在国际货币基金组织、世界银行、联合国、经合组织等国际组织担任高级顾问。曾任华沙规划与统计大学经济学教授,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的富布赖特高级研究员。曾于1996年被“欧洲货币”提名为中东欧最佳财政部长,1997 年获波兰总统颁发享有盛誉的 Comandoria Restituta 奖章,2017年当选俄罗斯科学院外籍院士,2020年荣获第十四届中华图书特殊贡献奖。



1.雅诺什·科尔奈和他的不朽著作,“Yanuoshi Keernai he ta de buxiu zhuzuo” (“Janos Kornai and his memorable work”), “Zhongguo Fazhan Guancha” (“China Development Observations”), 2022, No.7 (https://cdo.develpress.com/?p=13271).

2.遏制中国、维持霸权是美国“不切实际的渴望”,“Ezhi Zhongguo、weichi baquan shi meiguo ‘bu qie shiji de kewang’” (“Containing China and maintaining hegemony is ‘an unrealistic desire’ for the United States”), “Zhōngguó rìbào” (“China Daily”), February 18, 2022 (https://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202202/18/WS620f78aaa3107be497a06e94.html).

3.发达国家的气候环境“历史欠账”还清了吗?“Fada guojia de qihou huangjing ‘lishi qianzhang’ huan qing le ma?”, (“Bills to Pay”), (“China Daily”), November 10, 2021 (https://www.163.com/dy/article/GOFBIUR905501HLG.html).

4.新实用主义:属性、目的和方法,“Xin shiyong zhuyi: shuxing, mudi he fangfa”(“Economics of New Pragmatism: Identity, Aims, Method”), “Guowai shehui kexue” (“Social Sciences Abroad”), 2021, No. 5 , p. 116-128.

5.都2021年了,还想给中国当“教师爷”?, “Dou 2021 nianle, hai xiang gei zhongguo dang ‘jiaoshiye’? (“It's 2021, and you still want to be a "teacher" for China?”), “Zhōngguó rìbào” (“China Daily”), June 17, 2021 (https://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202106/17/WS60cb2560a3101e7ce9755ec1.html).

6.寻求包容性的全球化, “Xunqiu baorong xing de quanqiuhua” (“Quest for inclusive globalization”), “BNU News”, June 17, 2021 (http://news.bnu.edu.cn//zx/xzdt/123102.htm).

7.理性务实创造中国奇迹,“Lixing wushi chuangzao zhongguo qiji”(“Reason and pragmatism create the Chinese miracle”), “Xuexi Shibao” (“Study Times”), May 28, 2021, p. 2 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9uW52KV6MQS4RvZ4xfGFZQ).

8.坚持讲真话就是介绍中国的最好方, “Jiangchi jiang zhenhua jiushi jieshao Zhongguo de zuihao fangshi”, (“Insisting on telling the truth is the best way to introduce China”), “Renmin Ribao” (“People’s Daily”), March 31, 2021.

9.波兰前副总理解析中国-中东欧合作:看好后疫情时期发展,建议着眼“智慧投资”, “Bolan qian fu zongli jiexi zhongguo-zhongdongou hezuo: kanhao hou yiqing shiqi fazhan, jiayi zuoyan zhihui touzi” (“Analysis of China-CEEC cooperation by Former Deputy Premier of Poland: optimistic about post-pandemic developments, recommend more 'smart investing)”, “Zhongguo xinwen she” (China News Service), February 9, 2021 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mYHx7XGqUSALmkEAFiV59g).

10.中国为全球提供国家治理解决方案, “Zhongguo wei quanqiu tigong guojia zhili jiejue fangan” (“China provides national governance solutions for the world”), China Publishing and Media Journal, February 2, 2021 (http://tiger.edu.pl/ChinaPublishingandMediaJournal_02.02.2021.pdf).

11.疫情后的世界经济和政治, “Yiqing hou de shijie jingji he zhengzhi”(Economics and Politics in the Post-Pandemic World),“Guowai shehui kexue” (“Social Sciences Abroad”), 2020, No. 5, p. 73-82 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/China_After_Calamity.pdf).

12.疫情如何加剧百年未有之大变局, “Yiqing ruhe jiaju bainian weiyou zhi dabianju („How the Pandemic Accelerates the Changes Unseen in a Century”), Guangming Daily, July 7th, 2020 (http://epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/html/2020-07/07/nw.D110000gmrb_20200707_1-12.htm?from=singlemessage).

13.波兰前副总理、北师大特聘教授:四路径 重塑疫情过后世界新秩序. 北京师范大学新闻网,“Bolan qian fu zongli, Beishida tepin jiaoshou: Si lujing, chongsu yiqing guohou shijie xin zhixu” (“The former deputy prime minister of Poland and BNU distinguished professor: Better paths needed to help shape the future”), “BNU News”, May 1, 2020 (http://news.bnu.edu.cn/zx/zhxw/116509.htm).

14.波兰前副总理:后疫情时代 更加双赢的全球化. “Bolan qian fu zongli: Hou yiqing shida gengjia shuangying de quanqiuhua (“The former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland: a more win-win globalization in the post-epidemic era”), „Guangming Daily”, April 17th, 2020 (http://news.gmw.cn/2020-04/17/content_33746142.htm)


“Zhong Guo Neng Fou Zheng Jiu Shi Jie?” (“Will China Save the World?”), Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, Beijing, January 2020

16.Kolodko G W. Emerging market economies: Globalization and development[M]. Routledge, 2018.


“Ou Yuan Qu Kuo Da De Jue Ding Xing Yin Su Yu Ying Xiang” (“Decisive Factors and Impacts of Eurozone Expansion”), “Chinese Journal of European Studies”, 2018, No. 3, p. 1-23 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/Euro_.pdf)

18.《新自由主义正在给美国经济酝酿危机》,《中国经济周刊》 2018年1月22日,第82-83页。

“Xin Zi You Zhu Yi Zheng Zai Gei Mei Guo Jing Ji Yun Niang Wei Ji” (“Neoliberalism is Brewing a Crisis for the U.S. Economy”), “China Economic Weekly”, January 22, 2018, p. 82-83(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/US%20tax.pdf)


“Xin Zi You Zhu Yi Dui Wei Lai Shi Jie De Zu Zhou” (“The ‘Curse’ of Neoliberalism for the Future World”) “Global Times”, January 18, 2018(http://opinion.huanqiu.com/hqpl/2018-01/11532453.html)


“Xin Zi You Zhu Yi 2.0 Cheng Wei Mei Guo Ji Shi Jie Jing Ji Xin Zu Zhou” (“Neoliberalism 2.0 is Becoming a New Curse for the U.S. and the World Economy”), FTchinese.com, January 18, 2018(http://www1.ftchinese.com/story/001075977?page=1)

21.《新自由主义2.0方兴未艾 成为美国及世界经济新诅咒》,《全球化智库》,2018年1月12日。

“Xin Zi You Zhu Yi 2.0 Fang Xing Wei Ai, Cheng Wei Mei Guo Ji Shi Jie Jing Ji Xin Zu Zhou” (“Neoliberalism 2.0 is Still Developing and is Becoming a New Curse for the U.S. and the World Economy”), Center for China and Globalization, January 12, 2018(http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hdw6HYTH5gVbKZZmHY1iPw)

22.《如何毁灭一个国家—希腊危机的经济学与政治学》,《经济资料译从》, 2017年第3期,总第173期,第27-41页。

“Ru He Hui Mie Yi Ge Gou Jia—Xi La Wei Ji De Jing Ji Xue Yu Zheng Zhi Xue” (“How to Destroy a Country: Economics and Politics of the Greek Crisis”), “Journal of Translation from Foreign Literature of Economics”, 2017, Vol. 173, No. 3, p. 27-41 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/In%20Chinese_Chinese_How%20to%20Destroy%20a%20Country%20The%20Economics%20and%20Politics%20of%20Greek%20Crisis.pdf)

23.《全球化浪潮中,中国发挥的积极作用日益瞩目》,《中国经济周刊》, 2017年6月5日,第84-85页。

“Quan Qiu Hua Lang Chao Zhong, Zhong Guo Fa Hui De Ji Ji Zuo Yong Ri Yi Zhu Mu” (“China's Active Role in Globalization is Increasingly Prominent”), “China Economic Weekly”, June 5, 2017, p. 84-85(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/WillChinaSavetheWorld_VI2017.pdf)

24.《把握新实用主义和中庸经济学,实现可持续发展》,《中国经济周刊》, 2017年1月16日。

“Ba Wo Xin Shi Yong Zhu Yi He Zhong Yong Jing Ji Xue, Shi Xian Ke Chi Xu Fa Zhan”, (“Master New Pragmatism and Golden Mean Economics to Achieve Sustainable Development”), “China Economic Weekly”, January 16, 2017(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/2017.01.16_New%20Pragmatism.pdf)


“Xin Shi Yong Zhu Yi – ‘Yi Dai Yi Lu’ Chang Yi De Li Lun Ji Shi”, (“New Pragmatism: The Theoretical Cornerstone of the Belt and Road Initiative”), International Symposium on Green Development and Global Governance, Yiwu, November 14th, 2016(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/2_Pragmatism%20as%20the%20Theoretical%20Foundation%20for%20One%20Belt,%20One%20Road%20Initiative_Chinese%20Translation_14.XI.pdf)

26.《全球治理变革与中波关系高端对话》, 于2016年11月9日在武汉华中科技大学演讲。

“Quan Qiu Zhi Li Bian Ge Yu Zhong Bo Guan Xi Gao Duan Dui Hua” (“Change in Global Governance and High-end Dialogue between China and Poland”), lecture at Hangzhou University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, November 9th, 2016(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/1_Changing%20Global%20Governance%20and%20The%20Relationship%20between%20China%20and%20Poland_10.XI.pdf

27.《中国经济没有硬着陆》, 文章在2016年9月26-27日西安举办的题为“共享记忆、共同发展”的“一带一路”国际会议中提出。

“Zhong Guo Jing Ji Mei You Ying Zhuo Lu” (“China’s Economy Has not Entered into ‘Hard landing’”), International Seminar on the Belt and Road Initiative Theming on “Shared Memory, Common Development”, Xi’an, September 26-27, 2016(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/kolodko/referaty/pl/KOLODKO_Xian%20paper%20in%20Chinese.pdf)

28.《英国脱欧或引发连锁危机,世界又该何去何从?》,《中国经济周刊》, 2016年8月8日.

“Ying Guo Tuo Ou Huo Yin Fa Lian Suo Wei Ji, Shi Jie You Gai He Qu He Cong?” (“Brexit May Trigger a Chain Crisis, Whither the World?”), “China Economic Weekly”, August 8, 2016 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/Brexitology_CEW_08.08.16.pdf)


“21 Shi Ji Zheng Zhi Jing Ji Xue: Shi Jie Jiang Qu Xiang He Fang”, Central Compilation and Translation Press, Beijing 2015.

30. Kolodko G. Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future: Volume 2[M]. Springer, 2014.

31.Kolodko G W, Csaba L. Management and Economic Policy for Development[M]. Nova Science Publsihers, 2014

32.《人均 GDP 与人类发展指数哪个更准确》(新兴市场或者解放经济),《中国经济周刊》, 2014年4月21日,第84-85页.

“Ren Jun GDP Yu Ren Lei Fa Zhan Zhi Shu Na Ge Geng Zhun Que” (“Which is More Accurate, GDP per Capita or Human Development Index”) (“Emerging Markets or Emancipating Economy”), “China Economic Weekly”, April 21, 2014, p. 84-85 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/Brexitology_CEW_08.08.16.pdf)

33.《中国经济不会硬着陆》, 《中国经济周刊》, 2013年12月9日,第86-87页.

“Zhong Guo Jing Ji Bu Hui Ying Zhou Lu” (“China’s Economy will not Enter into ‘hard landing’”), “China Economic Weekly”, December 9, 2013, p. 86-87 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/China-2013-12.pdf)

34.《小心经济领域中的“预言家”》,《中国经济周刊》, 2013年11月25日,第82-83页.

“Xiao Xin Jing Ji Ling Yu Zhong De Yu Yan Jia” (“Watch Out for ‘Prophets’ in the Economic Realm”), “China Economic Weekly”, November 25, 2013, p. 82-83 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/China-2013-11.pdf).

35.《新实用主义或经济学及未来政策》,《财经》2013年10月28日,总第 372 期,第30-34页。

“Xin Shi Yong Zhu Yi Huo Jing Ji Xue Ji Wei Lai Zheng Ce” (“New Pragmatism or Economics and Future Policy”),“Cai Jing Magazine”, 2013, No. 30 (October 28), p. 30-34(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/China-2013-10-1.pdf)

36.《全球进入收入分配不公最严重时期》, 《中国经济周刊》, 第21期,2013年10月,第84-85页。

“Quan Qui Jin Ru Shou Ru Fen Pei Bu Gong Zui Yan Zhong Shi Qi” (“The world has Entered the Worst Period of Income Inequality”), “China Economic Weekly”, No. 21, October 2013, p. 84-85(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/China-2013-10.pdf)

37.《当前的世界经济危机可在30年前避免》, 《中国经济周刊》, 2013年9月23日,第86-87页。

“Dang Qian De Shi Jie Jing Ji Wei Ji Ke Zai San Shi Nian Qian Bi Mian” (“The Current World Economic Crisis Can be Avoided 30 Years Ago”), “China Economic Weekly”, September 23, 2013, p. 86-87(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/China-2013-09.pdf)

38.《新兴经济体如何成为“自主经济体”?》, 《中国经济周刊》, 2013年8月19日,第84-85页。

“Xin Xing Jing Ji Ti Ru He Cheng Wei Zi Zhu Jing Ji Ti” (“How do Emerging Economies Become ‘Autonomous Economies’?”), “China Economic Weekly”, August 19, 2013, p. 84-85(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/China-2013-08.pdf)

39.《不道德的经济学家》,《中国经济周刊》, 2013年7月15日,第86-87页。

“Bu Dao De De Jing Ji Xue Jia” (“Immoral Economist”), “China Economic Weekly”, July 15, 2013, p. 86-87 (http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/China-2013-07.pdf)

40.《经济学为什么不诚实》,《中国经济周刊》, 2013年6月26日,第86-87页。

“Jing Ji Xue Wei Shen Me Bu Cheng Shi” (“Why Economics is Dishonest”), “China Economic Weekly”, June 26, 2013, p. 86-87 (http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/2013-06.pdf)

41.《我们需要均衡的经济学》,《中国经济周刊》, 2013年5月20日,第86-87页。

“Wo Men Xu Yao Jun Heng De Jing Ji Xue” (“We Need Balanced Economics”), “China Economic Weekly”, May 20, 2013, p. 86-87 (http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/2013-05.pdf)

42.《主流经济学过时了》, 《中国经济周刊》, 2013年4月15日,第86-87页。

“Zhu Liu Jing Ji Xue Guo Shi Le” (“Mainstream Economics is Outdated”), “China Economic Weekly”, April 15, 2013, p. 86-87 (http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/2013-04.pdf)

43.《收入分配变革应惠及大众》,《中国经济周刊》, 2013年3月25日,第86-87页。

“Shou Ru Fen Pei Bian Ge Ying Hui Ji Da Zhong” (“Changes in Income Distribution Should Benefit the Public”), “China Economic Weekly”, March 25, 2013, p. 86-87 (http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/2013-03-03.pdf)

44.《地区一体化是全球化最好机遇》, 《中国经济周刊》, 2013年2月25日,第86-87页。

“Di Qu Yi Ti Hua Shi Quan Qiu Hua Zui Hao Ji Yu” (“Regional Integration Offers the Best Opportunity for Globalization”), “China Economic Weekly”, February 25, 2013, p. 86-87(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/2013-2-China.pdf)

45.《第四次工业革命何时到来》,《中国经济周刊》, 2013年1月14日,第86-87页。

“Di Si Ci Gong Ye Ge Ming He Shi Dao Lai” (“When Will the 4th Industrial Revolution Arrive”), “China Economic Weekly”, January 14, 2013, p. 86-87(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/2013-1-China.pdf)

46.《欧盟的“七年计划”为何不完美》(“市场和计划”),《中国经济周刊》, 2012年12月24日,第20-21页。

“Ou Meng De Qi Nian Ji Hua Wei He Bu Wan Mei” (“Why the EU's ‘Seven Year Plan’ is not Perfect”) (“Market and Planning”), “China Economic Weekly”, December 24, 2012, p. 20-21(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/12_Market_and_Planning_CEW_12.pdf)

47.《落实企业社会责任需“胡萝卜加大棒”》(经济—想法与实践),《中国经济周刊》, 2012年11月26日,第20-21页。

“Luo Shi Qi Ye She Hui Ze Ren Xu ‘Hu Luo Bo Jia Da Bang’” (“‘Carrots and Sticks’ Needed for Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility”) (“Economy – Ideas and Practice”), “China Economic Weekly”, November 26, 2012, p. 20-21(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/11_Economy-Ideas_and_Practice%20_CEW_11.pdf)

48.《未来全球经济更应看中幸福指数》(“实用主义”),《中国经济周刊》, 2012年10月15日,第20-21页。

“Wei Lai Quan Qiu Jing Ji Geng Ying Kan Zhong Xing Fu Zhi Shu” (“The Future Global Economy Should Put More Emphasis on the Happiness Index”) (“New Pragmatism”), “China Economic Weekly”, October 15, 2012, p. 20-21(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/10_NewPragmatism_CEW_10.pdf)

49.《“新自由主义救全球化”是特殊利益集团的骗局》(发展的三个平衡关系:价值观、制度、政策),《中国经济周刊》, 2012年9月10日,第18-19页。

“Xin Zi You Zhu Yi Jiu Quan Qiu Hua Shi Te Shu Li Yi Ji Tuan De Pian Ju” ("’Neoliberalism Can Save Globalization’ is a Scam by Special Interest Groups”) (“Development Triangle: Values, Institutions, and Policies”), “China Economic Weekly”, September 10, 2012, p. 18-19 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/9_DevelopmentTriangle_CEW_9.pdf)

50.《古巴改革:别把孩子同洗澡水一起倒掉》,《中国经济周刊》, 2012年8月6日,第22-23页。

“Gu Ba Gai Ge: Bie Ba Hai Zi Tong Xi Zao Shui Yi Qi Dao Diao” (“Cuba Reform: Do not Dump the Baby Together with the Bath Water”), “China Economic Weekly”, August 6, 2012, p. 22-23 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/8_Cuba_CEW_8.pdf)

51.《中东北非的艰难时刻才刚刚开始》, 《中国经济周刊》, 2012年7月2日,第20-21页。

“Zhong Dong Bei Fei De Jian Nan Shi Ke Cai Gang Gang Kai Shi” (“The Difficult Times for Middle East and North Africa have just Begun”), “China Economic Weekly”, July 2, 2012, p. 20-21(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/7_The_Arab_Awakening_CEW_7.pdf)


“Wu Ke Lan: Zai Dong Xi Zhi Jian Jian Nan Jue Ze” (“Ukraine: Difficult Choice between East and West”), “China Economic Weekly”, June 18, 2012, p. 22-23(http://tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/Kolodko_Kuda_idiet_Rossija_Efektivnoje_Antikrizisnoje_Uprawlenije_No_3_2012.pdf)


“Wei Lai Shi Nian, E Luo Si Xu Xiang Zhong Guo Xue Xi” (“Russia Needs to Learn from China in the Next Decade”), “China Economic Weekly”, May 21, 2012, p. 20-21(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/5_Whither_Russia_CEW_5.pdf)


“Kai Luo Gong Shi Bu Shi Zhui Qiu Ge Ming” (“‘Cairo Consensus’ is not a Pursuit of Revolution”), “China Economic Weekly”, April 9, 2012, p. 30-31


“Gei Xi La De Qian Yi Yuan Zhu Shi Chang Zai Nan” (“100 Billion Aid to Greece is a Disaster”), “China Economic Weekly”, March 5, 2012, p. 20-21(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/the_greek_syndrome_cew_3.pdf)


"Ou Zhou Zhai Guo He Bu Na Wai Chu Huan Zhai?" (“Why European Debtor Nations Do not Pay Off Their Debts with Foreign Reserves?”), “China Economic Weekly”, February 6, 2012, p. 24-25(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/Unorthodox_Crisis_Calls_for_Unorthodox_Action_CEW_2.pdf)


"Xin Zi You Zhu Yi, Shi Jie Wei Ji Yu Chul Lu” (“Neoliberalism, World Crisis, and Ways Out”), “China Economic Weekly”, January 30, 2012, p. 20-21(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/Neoliberalism_the_World_Crisis_and_Ways_Out_CEW_1.pdf)


“Zhen Xiang, Miu Wu yu Huang Yan: Duo Bian Shi Jie Zhong de Zheng Zhi yu Jing Ji”, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, November 2011.

59.Kolodko G W. Truth, Errors and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World. Columbia University Press[J]. 2011.

60. Kołodko G W, Tomkiewicz J. 20 years of transformation: achievements, problems and perspectives[M]. Nova Science Publishers, 2011.


“Xin Zi You Zhu Yi Yu Shi Jie Jing Ji Wei Ji” (“Neoliberalism and the World Economic Crisis”), “Russian Studies”, 2010, No. 2 (162), p. 3-11(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/Two_Decades_of_Transformation_RUSSIAN_STUDIES_No_2_2010.pdf)


“Xin Zi You Zhu Yi, Quan Qiu Wei Ji Ji Qi Chu Lu” (“Neoliberalism, the Global Crisis, and the Ways Out”), “Comparative Studies”, 2010, No. 3, p. 111-118(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/BIJIAO_N0_3_2010_Neoliberalism.pdf)

63.《1989-2029 年大转型——可以更好或将会更好吗?》,《俄罗斯研究》,2009年第3期,总第157期,第14-28页。

“1989-2029 Nian Da Zhuan Xing - Ke Yi Geng Hao Huo Jiang Hui Geng Hao Ma?” (“The Great Transformation 1989-2029: Can It be Better, Will It be Better?”), “Russian Studies”, 2009, No. 3 (157), p. 14-28 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/Great_Transformation_1989-2029_RUSSIAN_STUIDES_No._3_2009.pdf)


“Zhi Du, Zhang Ce He Fa Zhan” (“Institutions, Policies, and Development)”, in: “Zhong Guo Gong Gong Fu Wu Ti Zhi: Zhong Yang Yu Di Fang Guan Xi” (“Public Service Systems in China: Relationship Between the Central and Local Governments”), Proceedings of China Institute for Reform and Development (CIRD), Haikou, Hainan, October 28-29, 2006, p. 401-411(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/aktualnosci/haikou.doc)

65. Kołodko G W. The World Economy and great post-communist change[M]. Nova Publishers, 2006.

66. Kolodko G W. Lessons for the emerging markets from Poland’s great change[J]. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2005, 38(3): 369-379.

67.Kołodko G W. Globalization and social stress[M]. Nova Publishers, 2005.


“Xin Xing Shi Chang Cong Bo Lan Da Bian Ge Zhogn Ji Qu De Jing Yan Jiao Xun” (“Lessons for the Emerging Markets from the Great Changes in Poland”), “Comparative Economic and Social Systems”, 2005, No. 5, p. 28-33 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/aktualnosci/bijao.pdf)


“Xin Xing Shi Chang Ying Cong Bo Lan Da Bian Ge Zhong Ji Qu De Jing Yan Jiao Xun” (“Lessons for the Emerging Markets from the Great Changes in Poland”), China Reform Summit, “Promoting Economic Restructuring through Administrative Reforms”, Beijing, July 12-13, 2005(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/aktualnosci/bijao.pdf)


“Zhi Du, Zheng Ce He Zeng Zhang” (“Institutions, Policies and Growth”), “Comparative Studies”,  2005, No. 18 (May 21), p. 131-149 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/aktualnosci/bijao.pdf)


“Bing Fei ‘Xiao Zheng Fu, Da She Hiu' Jiu Yi Ding Shi He Zhong Guo” (“‘Small Government, Big Society' is not Necessarily Suitable for China”), “China Social News”, December 2, 2004, p. 2 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/wywiady/China_Oriental_Outlook.pdf)


“Xiang Shi Chang Jing Ji Zhuan Gui: Jian Jin Zhu Yi Yu Ji Jin Zhu Yi” (“Transition to a Market Economy: Gradualism and Radicalism”), “Finance and Economics”, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), Chengdu, November 2004, p. 15-19 (The English version of the Manuscript was Authorized on March 10, 2004, after Professor Kolodko Received an Honorary Doctorate from the Chengdu University). (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/wystapienia/chengdu_cn.lecture.pdf)


“Wo Shi Zhong Guo Jing Ji De Tui Xiao Zhe” (“I Am Popularizing the Chinese Economy”), “Hainan Daily” , November 1, 2004 (Interview)(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/wywiady/hainandaily.01112004.pdf)


“Zhi Du, Zheng Ce He Zeng Zhang” (“Institution, Policies and Growth”), International Forum on China’s Reform, Haikou, October 30, 2004 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/chinareform.102004.pdf)


“Quan Qiu Hua Yu Hou She Hui Zhu Yi Guo Jia Da Yu Ce”, World Affairs Press, Beijing, June 2003.


“Quan Qiu Hua He Zhuan Gui, Huan Xiang He Xian Shi” (“Globalization and Transition, Fantasy and Reality”), International Symposium on Comparison of Institutional Arrangements in Transitional Economies, Haikou, China, June 10-12, 2002 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/chinsku/Haikou.pdf)

77. Kolodko G W. Globalization and catching-up: From recession to growth in transition economies[J]. IMF working papers, 2000, 2000(100).

78. Kolodko G W. From shock to therapy: The political economy of postsocialist transformation[M]. OUP Oxford, 2000.

79.Kolodko G. Post-Communist Transition: The Thorny Road University of Rochester Press, Rochester NY[J]. Kolodko G, 2000.

80.《从休克到治疗:后社会主义转轨的政治经济》, 上海:远东出版社,2000年1月。

“Cong Xiu Ke Dao Zhi Liao: Hou she hui zhu yi de Zheng zhi jin ji”, Far East Press, Shanghai, J January 2000.


“Zhuan Gui Guo Jia Xiang Shi Chang He Qi Ye Jia Jing Shen De Zhuan Bian” (“Transforming Nations’ Transition to Markets and Entrepreneurship”), “Comparative Economic and Social Systems”, 2000, No. 3, p. 61-71 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/2000_3.pdf)


“Cong ‘Xiu Ke’ Shi Bai Dao ‘Hou Hua Sheng Dun Gong Shi’” (“From the Fail of ‘Shock’ to ‘Post-Washington Consensus’”), “Comparative Economic and Social Systems”, 1999, 2, p. 8-13(http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/99_2.pdf)


“Cong Shi Chang Gai Ge Dao Shi Chang Jing Ji Zhuan Gui”,  “Qian Su Dong Guo Jia Zao Qi Jing Ji Gai Ge De Jing Yan Jiao Xun” (”Lessons from Early Economic Reforms of the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe”), Proceedings of International Symposium, August 1997, Beijing: Zhong Guo Jing Ji Gai Ge Yan Jiu Ji Jin Hui Beijing Guo Min Jing Ji Yan Jiu Suo (Chinese Economic Research Institute of China Reform Foundation), p. 35-49 (http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/artykuly/1997_8.pdf)

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